Bon Bon Restaurant

Mr. and Mrs. Hardiquest have as their main ambition to offer their customers the best hospitality and dishes possible in the best conditions.

The Chef, Christophe Hardiquest, with his exceptional imagination, has decided to bring up to date Belgian traditional dishes inspired by the daily preparations of the Belgian culinary heritage.

Our services


Opening hours:

Open Tuesday to Friday from 12:30 to 13:30 and 19:30 to 21h.

Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays.

Annual vacation :,

Monday December 23th to January Monday 6th, 2020 (included).
Monday April 06th to April Monday 20 th, 2020 (included).
Monday July 27th to August Monday 17th, 2020 (included).
Monday December 21th to January Monday 4th, 2021 (included).


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